Thursday, September 27, 2012

Chalkboard/Halloween Wreath/Headband Curls

Here we go!  I was just thinking to myself today how I really wish I had a place to put everything I make or do.  Then I had an AHA moment, some may call it a stroke of genius.  A blog!  Yes, such an obscure concept, I know.  I have had people ask me how to do headband curls and my hopefully I can pass this onto them as well.  I will also include my wreath I made today...just because I'm excited about it! I actually plan on updating this quite often.  I am a fan of the blogo-sphere.  I also apologize in advance I have no makeup on in the pictures I'm about to share.

First and foremost, can I just take a moment to express how superb the band FUN. is.  I never put together that the lead singer of FUN. is also the front man from the band The Format (also equally as superb).  I finally downloaded FUN.'s album Some Nights tonight, and every single song on it is wonderful.  I sort of became uninterested when top 40 picked them up and everyone decided to jump on the FUN. bandwagon.  I'm so glad I downloaded this album finally! I will probably be listening to it for the next couple of weeks nonstop. Specifically the songs "Why am I the One" and "One Foot."  Yes Yes Yes!!!  I get so excited over great bands...I have to see them live now!!

Anyways...onto the reason for this blog post!

FIRST:  My Chalkboard Calendar.

Supplies needed:
-A photo frame
-Paint color(s) of choice
-Non-sanded grout
-Paint brush

Mix grout with the color of paint you want your chalkboard to be (I used black).  Paint on the glass of the photo frame. Voila!  Chalkboard.
I bought a white, vintage looking photo frame.  I painted the white frame with a really pretty blue color.  Let dry.  Easy! I write the date on mine every day in my office.

Next:  Halloween Wreath

While I was at Hobby Lobby today, I was in search for some sort of attractive Halloween wreath I could use to put on my front door.  After only seeing a scrawny, pathetic looking plain black wreath, I decided to get creative.  Total I spent to make my wreath: $15

I bought a floral wreath from Hobby Lobby, some Halloween themed ribbon, and then some miscellaneous Halloween crafting decorations.  

And did I mention...I had my favorite helper by my side!  Meet Todd the dog!

Todd did a good job of sleeping on my feet and keeping them warm.  He knows me so well.

This project is rather self explanatory and took me a total of 10 minutes.
Wrap the wreath in the ribbon.  I secured with small push pins.

Then I hot glued on the
knick knacks I bought.  Done!  

FINALLY, headband curls.  DUN DUN DUNNNN.

Let me preface this by saying my hair was horrific in the morning when I woke up!  My head looked like Carrot Top met Donna's dad from That 70's Show. However, I did end up being thoroughly pleased with the results in the end.  Sexy beach waves with zero heat damage?  Yes please!  My hair is very thick and naturally wavy, but not quite the beach wave look I was wanting.

Shower the night before.  Let hair ALMOST dry.  Leave a little bit damp.  Place an elastic  headband over your head like so:   Please ignore the half duckface.  Embarrassing!

Next, wrap hair around the headband until you are left with this weird Star Wars looking thing:

Now for the best part...sleep!  If you hair naturally has a lot of body, is extremely thick, and naturally wavy like may wake up looking like this!

What a great picture of me!  Wearing my poker face in that one.  My hair already looks like Donna's dads in That 70's Show, no need to show my face! 

Don't fear if you wake up and your hair looks like this horrific fro!  All I had to do is spray my hair down with a squirt bottle and run a comb through it, and it ended up coming through! 

I'm is way past my bedtime!  Finally got it done though...enjoy!  Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Wow you have some great ideas! I might try all of them... I have really curly hair too, but I don't know if the headband thing would work for me. I'll definitely do the wreath. I love crafts!
