Thursday, October 11, 2012


I'm tired but Jake is moping that I haven't updated in two days.

I had an awful day at work.  So I felt I needed to spoil myself for dinner, so we went to Olive Garden. Then we came home and were really wild.  By wild, I mean we watched the VP debates.  I have strong political views, but as I am a private person, I don't like sharing them often.  People take opinions too personally and I do not like fighting with my friends.  If people could carry on a normal conversation  I would be all for it.  But it is almost like people get hateful about it.  It's not worth it to me.

I really want to get more involved with the United Way.  I'm considering joining Generation United.  I think I might go to a haunted house tomorrow.  I have nothing interesting to say!  Is this good enough?

Today after work Heather and I stood around and did "It's Pat" impressions. I love her! I think there were also some "Very Nice" Borat impressions.

She is going as "It's Pat" to her Halloween party.  It was just suppose to be a normal Halloween party, but it kind of turned into an SNL themed one.  I'm going as Sally O'Malley!

Yes...I will be doing my hair like that!  I can't wait to get pictures.  I've been practicing doing my high kicks and says "I'M FIFTY!! I LIKE TO KICK, STRETCH, AND KICK!"

Actually, I'm going to go try on my costume now for Jake since he hasn't seen it yet.  Then I have to do my impression to see what he thinks.  I got my costume the other day for 5 bucks!

Alright...until next time....

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