Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin time/Birthday trip

Oh where to begin!

I had my 24 birthday.  I feel rather lost...I know I sound ridiculous.  I really had a plan to have my first kid when I was 24 and I'm somehow not ready AT ALL.  I don't feel like I will be ready for a few years at least!  It is just weird to finally be at an age where I am actually old enough to start a family without people wondering why I started so young.  I know if I did have a kid, it would be my entire life.  The two things I know are:

1. I want to travel
2. I want to be a great mom

I feel like in my core it is my purpose.  That sounds cheesy and somewhat weird, but I really can't wait to be a mom someday.  It is troubling to me as to why I'm not ready.  This was the plan!  I want to be a younger mom where I have energy to play I've been married 3 years...that is enough time to have "our fun."  I don't know if it is fear, or uncertainty of the future.  I know a lot of people don't feel "ready" and it's something you just have to do.  I know if I did get pregnant I would love my child more than the world and my entire life would change for the better.  Just something doesn't feel right right now.  There is just something so wonderful about loving another person more than anyone else in the world and putting their needs above yours.  I'm want to be a HUGE part of my kids lives.  I want to be there for their sports games, and be a part of the organizations they are a part of.  I want to be able to do special things like the Polar Express, Disney World, etc.  I don't know what I can't put my finger on...because I KNOW I want this more than anything in the world.  Something just isn't right yet.

This weekend was a lot of fun.  We went down to St. Louis Friday night. Saturday we went to Dave and Busters and the Landing.  Dave and Busters is a blast!  I wish we had one around here...Jillians just isn't the same.  We played this sweet ginormous connect 4 game.

Okay...okay...onto the exciting part...pumpkin carving today.  My porch is finally fallish looking!

Black Cat!

I found this idea on Pinterest.  You just paint a piece of wood and then modge podge a picture over the top once the paint dries.  I used a picture I had a million of...but Ashley and I had our pictures professionally taken so I'm going to do some cooler ones with that. Very cool idea

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