Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Table Idea!

Hobby Lobby is my sanctuary.  I went there to price photo frames for my friends and I also am going to redo my white lack desk I bought from IKEA.  I normally do my crafts on this table and it's very plain.
I've known I've wanted to redo it for a long time, but I had a weird dream about it last night.

I think I'm going to spray paint it a pretty dark purple color, then stencil on some other designs.  I had all the supplies in my hands and then told myself, NO, PUT IT BACK!  haha.  I get paid on Thursday and the responsible thing to do would be to wait. UG.  I did however want to write this down before I forgot!

So today I had a day off from work for once! I've done a ton of laundry and I've been watching Disappeared on Netflix all day.  I'm cool, I know. I got a text from JD in the middle of the day requesting a hooded bike ride tonight, so we did that.  We decided I need a name for my bike, but I can't decide what to name her. We didn't get to bike ride for very long because it started to rain...boooo!

It is hard to believe we have almost been together 5 years.  I remember the first time my best friend Anthony told me he hung out with Jake and they got kicked out of the town Goofyridge and I thought he sounded super funny.  One night with friends, I wore a blonde wig and Anthony took a picture and sent it to a bunch of his friends, including Jake.  Jake texted back wondering who I was...so then I had to text him from my phone to defend myself! So we literally met through a text message.  We got along so well via text we decided to meet in person.  I remember the night before our first date doing handstands in my bed talking to Anthony about how excited I was.  It's funny Anthony use to basically live with me. I didn't ACTUALLY know if it was a date...I remember after dinner asking "so are you paying for this?" HA!  It apparently didn't bother him...sometimes my lack of a filter gets me into trouble.  He didn't know if it was a date either.  But then we ended up going to the river front and sat down there and talked until 3 in the morning.  We've had some really rough times, but then I think of all the things he does that let me know he really cares about me.  He never says or does anything to hurt me intentionally.  He loves everything I make and do.  When I think about it, I'm a pretty lucky girl.   I've had a lot of bad that has happened in my life, it is sometimes hard for me to accept the good.  I don't feel sorry for myself, I only work at improving myself.  My point being, maybe the good people that come into your life are a gift.  I truly believe every one comes into your life for a reason, and everything will work out in the end if you trust it. A lot of times, people need to stop looking for something better, and look at what is right in front of them.  This ones for you JD, the only person I know of who religiously reads what I write in these things.  Thank you for everything.

1 comment:

  1. Hobby Lobby is my favorite place too! I also like Michaels. But it is definitely dangerous for me to go into either of those places because I just want to buy everything!
