Sunday, December 2, 2012


Wow!  Have I been slacking on this.

What is new with me?  Well I have 3 weeks of school left.  Jake and I got our pictures professionally taken.  I am decorated for Christmas.  Todd is our Christmas card this year! I'm not going to drink alcohol for one month.  I'm training to run a 5K.  

First, we have always wanted to get our pictures done.  The only pictures we have are the ones from our wedding day.  I was completely fine all day that day until it was almost time to walk down the aisle.  I've started crying before it was time for me to walk!  I told myself to pull it together...this is my wedding day!  They were happy tears of course...but not good for pictures!  I cried during the ceremony...most of our bridal party cried. It was emotional...yet only 10 minutes!  Short and sweet...we wanted to get to the reception to party!  It's so hard to believe we've been together for almost 5 years!

Anyways...onto our recent pictures.  We wanted some pictures of us not in our wedding attire while we were still young.  I haven't received the CD yet, but what I have seen, I love!  Megan did an AWESOME job!

I thought it would be cute to use our dog, Todd, on our Christmas card. Everyone uses their kids...and my dog is my kid! These are the fun pics from that night:

This is the one we ended up going with:

Also, I am doing a 12 week program to train to do a 5K.  This week I am walking fast for 4 minutes, then slow for 1.  20 minutes total.  It is very easy for me to do...but I'm wanting to stick to the program.  I'm not drinking alcohol for a month.  I'm interested to see how much weight I lose.  I have lost 5 lbs already just by eating healthy for lunch.  Plus, it's not good to drink it on a regular basis.  I'm so excited!

I've been in a country music mood...weird!

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