Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I can't wait to tan myself with black tea bags!  I'm going to try it tomorrow night.  I have to go to the store anyways and get ingredients to make pasta salad for work.  I'm going to make it Mexican inspired!!  Taco seasoning, ground beef...the whole sha-bang!

I just can't bring myself to using a tanning bed all of the time.  It is great and relaxing sometimes, but I really want to have nice skin when I'm 40.  I don't want to be captain leather bags.  I know it is insanely unhealthy. I'm really hoping this tea bag thing is as great as it claims!

I'm so ready for this weekend. We have been insanely busy this week getting our home ready for our first open house on Sunday!  OF COURSE, there is a snow storm scheduled that day! Just my luck..but hey, maybe I will be pleasantly surprised. :]  My brother-in-law texted me about this weekend and told me I better suit up, because it is going to be legendary!  So I am literally going to "suit up" (the best I can) and wear my blazer...Barney wouldn't have it any other way.  

Oh how I love that show :) One of my favorite cover bands is playing in town, and I need to go get my hockey fix.  

Today, pale ghost.  Tomorrow, bronze goddess.  Fingers crossed!  

Also, should I dye my hair a light blonde, a light brown, or a dark brown with light brown highlights??  So many choices...and I can't decide!  

Well, off to bed. 

Until next time... 

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