Sunday, September 30, 2012

Smores dessert and great Sunday!

Today was a great Sunday!  My parents invited us to go to the Clinton Apple and Pork festival.  It is basically this giant craft festival with a lot of food made from apples and pork.  There was also a part of it that was kind of flea market-ish.  Most importantly though.....the black mask I wore in my previous post works AMAZINGLY! Very good skin day. It is the Boscia Black Luminizing Mask.  Highly suggest it!

My mom wants me to make her a wreath and then someone from work asked me to make her three chalk board frames.  It's so exciting!! 

Listened to the entire FUN. CD on the way to Decatur and a lot of Alt-Nation.  I'm in love with Florence + The Machine still.  It's very convenient having a husband who loves the same type of music as me!  
This is JD and I!

 My parents ended up buying me a lot of crafts saying it was part of my birthday present.  I turn the big 24 in less than three weeks.  It is rather depressing to me that I am going to be in my mid-twenties.  I hear 25 is a lot worse to people than 30.  Actually, I have heard that a person's 30s is sometimes the best years of your life!  I got a lot of cool stuff, including this sweet handmade wine bottle that has been melted down, and turned into wall art.  It matches the kitchen perfectly.

I also got an old wooden sled at the flea market section for 20 bucks.  The metal is red so I'm going to paint parts of the wood green and turn it into a Christmas decoration.  

So tonight we decorated for Halloween...dinner was shells and cheese and chicken strips..yup.  I got caught up on New Girl.  When are Nick and Jess going to end up together? Sad I can't watch the Dexter premier until tomorrow after class. I have the sweetest dog randomly giving me dog kisses right now!  Cocker Spaniels are the best dogs.

I made this delish smores dessert tonight that  I found on Pinterest. 

Graham Cracker, chocolate chip cookie dough.  Baked it for 12 minutes.

Add chocolate bar of choice and marshmallows.  Bake until marshmallows are bubbly.


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