Thursday, October 4, 2012

Perfect hot tub night

I'm sitting in the car outside Wal-Mart because Jake needs turkey meat...and I refuse to walk anywhere else in these heals I wore today! He already made me go to Buffalo Wild Wings in them. Tonight is chilly and raining, so we are going to Ashley's to get in the hot tub after this. Which reminds me...Hunter was born tonight! Ashley's sister Christina and Matt finally had their first baby.  In October, the best month of the year! So now his mom, grandma,  Aunt Chase, and Hunter have birthdays together. Hunter looks identical to dad...I can't get over it! Uncanny!  I finally took my shoes off. My feet don't smell. The other day my socks were BAD! So naturally I took them in the car with Jake when we went to Walgreens because he was disgusted. I stuck them in his lap and he couldn't figure out what the smell was. Then he finally figured it out and was so disgusted he stuck them out the window and rolled it up. So my socks were airing out for awhile. Its not my feet....its the shoes! I swear! We are listening to the band Of Monsters and Men. I hope we see The Perks of Being a Wallflower tomorrow! I love that book so much. Ok..I'll be posting my table soon. Peace!

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