Sunday, October 7, 2012


I went to a real college homecoming this weekend.  Glad I have finally got to have the experience.  It was a lot of fun!  Although I'm not sure it is something I'd want to do all the time.  Maybe I should give some background.

I didn't go to a four year school after high school.  I came very close to going to WIU, but my parents agreed to pay for my ICC if I went there for two years first.  I have also been working almost full time since a week or two after my 16th birthday.  I didn't know what I wanted to do, I still don't really, so I did not want to waste my money at a four year school...good thing to!  Because I changed my major times.  It went from:

1. Secondary Education (I wanted to teach high school math)
2. Civil Engineering
3. Mass Communications
4. Public Relations
5. Business Administration..and still is today!

I am very interested in business...simply because it would be a dream come true to own my own business someday.  There is something about entrepreneurship that is extremely appealing to me!  I love doing hair and makeup, so I have even though about going to cosmetology school  and then eventually opening my own salon.  I don't think my mom would support that decision.  She was a hair dresser until I was in 3rd grade and it was hard since she didn't get health insurance. topic, wow!

The college homecoming experience was a lot of fun.  I went with one of my best friends, Rebecca and some other people. Jake was going out of town with his brother. Fun night...but I wouldn't go back in time and change the way I did things, and I wouldn't give up my cozy bed.  Bed never felt as good as it did this morning when I got home.  Here are some pictures from my fun night:

No good pictures unfortunately!  Still fun though.  

I started making my photoframes today for my friend from work.  I can't wait to have a day off tomorrow!  I have a doctors appointment, then I plan on going to Jeffrey Alans (kind of like a Hobby Lobby), and I plan on having Smoothie King for lunch.  I have to go cancel my gym membership that I have in Peoria.  

I'm sad because the NHL canceled all the hockey games up until October 24th, so I can't go to a game for my birthday now. Booo!  So now I don't know what to do for my birthday weekend.  

Happy Fall Bikerides. :]

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