Sunday, October 14, 2012

Is this real love, or madness?

I have the prettiest mom!  I found this picture today from when she got married to my wonderful stepdad 7 years ago! That is my grandma.  We were incredibly close, but she lost her battle to cancer close to 6 years ago.  She taught me how to play poker when I was 5 years old and we use to gamble off pennies.  I also use to go to the UAW hall with her (she was a CAT employee) and I would play poker with all of her union buddies. I was a good little democrat haha.  I use to stand on the table and yell something about "scabs" giving them their jobs back, and then I got a half dollar from an elderly guy. I miss her every day.  My uncle John is also in the picture.  He walked my mom down the aisle that day.

I made breaded parmesan pork chops for was delish.  Then I went for a mile run and I could possibly die now.  I'm so mad I let myself get out of shape...but I want to get back on track.  Todd went on the run too...he is also out of shape.  Poor pup!

I went out with some girls last night.

I turn 24 in 5 days!  I'm officially going to St. Louis for the weekend.  I was unable to get a hotel downtown since I booked last minute, but it's not a huge deal because we got one about 20 mins outside of town.  We are staying 2 nights, but since our friends Anthony and Kirsten are joining we only had to pay for 1 night.   It is conveniently close to Harrahs (our favorite casino down there) and Dave and Busters.  So I know we are probably going to Harrahs at some point, definitely the Landing Saturday night, hopefully Grants Farm and some breweries.  Hopefully I don't have to deal with too much annoying Cardinals talk.  I can't believe I'm not going to a Blues game!   It's a bummer because my sister, Marla, is going to be in town this weekend. I didn't know until I already had planned everything out.  She lives in Asheville of my FAVORITE places I've ever been.  Plenty to do outdoors, not too far from the ocean, a big dog community...great weather,'s perfect!  There are a ton of cute shops and nice cafes to eat at.  That is where central Illinois is seriously lacking.  If I want a nice cafe to go eat at choice is basically Panera of Camilles.  Woopdidooooo.  Don't get me wrong, I love both of those places.  It would be nice to have a specialty cafe though.  I have a brother who lives in Lake Havasu AZ. It is the hottest city in the US.  Also a very neat place to go, but I wouldn't relocate there forever.  Why am I the only one stuck in Illinois?  I've really been trying to have an open mind about it lately however.  Central Illinois isn't THAT bad, but there are just so many better places.  I really like the east coast.  Someday, I want to live in a victorian style of cape cod style house.   That is an ultimate goal.  It is more than a goal...I WILL live in one someday!

So wish my luck on my mission to begin eating healthier and working out regularly again.  Time to sleep!

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